Souls Have a Right To Express(s.h.a.r.e)
So i think i should s.h.a.r.e about s.ha.r.e.
s.h.a.r.e entertainment provides entertainment and PR services for people, products and services. s.h.a.r.e has worked in the past on various projects like the M.I. album listening party, these genes, sickle cell project events and currently do PR consultancy for clients like Hakymthedream, CON.tra.diction, Steaze, Coldflames, and KB.
s.h.a.r.e was founded by a Tosyn Bucknor, she is a writer, radio personality, actress, lawyer.

Catch tosyn on her blog and on top radio mondays to fridays, 6:00 am to 11:00 am.
Any correspondence to s.h.a.r.e should be sent to the following e-mail, and/or numbers 08095480363, 07035048347, 08184606304.