Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Christine Ben-Ameh - My Daddy

This is a very very soulful, deep and lovely song by Christine Ben-Ameh. This one comes straight from her heart as you can see and that's something we don't see nowadays in most Nigerian acts. She does this one for her Daddy, a man I believe and know to be a very huge inspiration, rock and guardian in her life(as well as in the life of the kids he took in and cares for).

I listened to this song and I appreciated my dad some more (even though this morning we .... ). Anyways, listen and share if you like to.

Here's to our daddies!!!

And here's to us being better daddies for our lil ones.

Which reminds me... I want to have seven daughters.


Monday, September 2, 2013

Cleaning My Closet


First of all, I would like to say my absence is due to me following in the footsteps of my elder bloggers like xxxxxxx and xxxxxx(they knowselves) but I know it's all me. 

I don't know if this happens to everyone but between now and the last time I posted a story, I've written many stories. Some I started and never finished. Some I finished and after reading felt like no-one wants to know this or read this or something, so I deleted or threw it out. 

NYSC will make you write and doubt yourself. Questions like 
'am I writing this because I'm bored?' 
'Does this make sense?'
 'Should I punctuate?' e.t.c. 

I guess it's part of some learning curve (I'm sure I haven't finished).

Anyways, I decided to put together some stories like a book. Choosing what stories will be chosen was another task (and is still tasking) but I'm on it and it looks like there is some degree of motivation around the corner. 

I've noticed the only stories I ever tend to post are the ones that hit me, I start to write and I finish the story. Most others that I stop to continue sometime never get finished (does this happen to anyone else? how do you work with that). I figured I hit what they call writers block some months back. I felt I could break through by writing about the writers block. It helped a bit. 

Some of the people I've shown a few writings want me to change the way I write. They want it to seem more professional, publishable and all that. Seriously and sincerely, I would love to do that.

Thing is I feel I connect more with my intended audience this way, writing the story the way I would narrate the gist with you if we were sitting somewhere with a bottle, food and some rolls. 

But I know better than that. So I reckon I need an editor. Please if you think you can read what I write and present it in a way that will appeal to more people without losing my own touch/style and importantly my audience, please mail me at with the subject: EDITOR. [is there pay?] Yes, there is. You will be paying me. :p 

Oh I'm also starting a new blog. You will recognize it with the hash tag #hat. It's basically a movement to add meaning to young people today who need mentorship, the truth about the future and becoming an adult, tackling peer pressure, finding oneself, knowing what really matters and what really matters to you personally and so on. Of course there's also the #LegalizeIT part. If you feel you can add any insight, contribute or occasionally send the team food. Please hola with the subject #hat. I would love to hear from you. (We all would).

So this post is me returning to office and sweeping, dusting the place and installing a new grinder in my minds closet. Haha!

Thanks for your time and God bless.